
The Kevin Kitchnefsky Foundation for Spinal Cord Research’s website uses Google Analytics to collect information about site traffic. No personally identifiable information is collected during this process. Personally identifiable information is only captured if you contact us and willingly disclose it. We use information submitted by you to communicate with you about donations, volunteer activities and related topics. From time to time, if we email you news or fundraising information, we may receive a confirmation when you open or click on content in those emails. If you do not wish to receive such email from us, you may unsubscribe at any time.

Unless specifically authorized by you, The Kevin Kitchnefsky Foundation for Spinal Cord Research does not provide personally identifiable information to third parties for marketing purposes. We may share your personally identifiable information with companies that provide support services to us (such as a mail shop) or that help us raise funds. Although these companies may need information about you in order to perform their functions, they are not authorized to use it for any other purpose.

The Kevin Kitchnefsky Foundation for Spinal Cord Research may provide information to a third party in response to a subpoena or to otherwise comply with the law.